Talk + Soli-Show @ KvU

Wir freuen uns, unsere erste Veranstaltung ankündigen zu können:

Flyer KvU 29.12.23

Am 29.12. wird es in der KvU (Berlin) eine Podiumsveranstaltung geben, unter dem Titel „Antisemitismus und ausbleibende Solidarität – Reaktionen auf den 07.Oktober in (Sub-)Kultur und der Linken“.
Dafür konnten wir Anastasia Tikhomirova, Maria Kanitz, Kai Schubert und Elisa Aseva gewinnen. 🧠👀

Und weil wir auch das „punk“ im Namen unterstreichen wollen, gibt es danach eine geile Show auf die Ohren gedrückt. Wir feiern EGON X, MOLOCH, EX-WHITE und I FEEL VIOLENT für ihren Einsatz!

Mit der Veranstaltung möchten wir außerdem Geld sammeln für ERAN (Ezra Rishona Nafshit):

„ERAN provides Lifesaving Emotional First Aid Services. Offering initial response and emotional support on the phone and online, while maintaining strict confidentiality and anonymity.“

Eran arbeiten im Bereich Erste psychische Hilfe in Israel. Die rechte Regierung hat eine Woche vor dem Krieg das Budget von ERAN massiv gekürzt und sie brauchen nun jede Hilfe. Besonders jetzt ist der Bedarf an psychologischen Unterstützungsangeboten sehr hoch.

See you on 29.12. at KvU 🔥

Q&A part 2


Who are you?

We are active in the Berlin DiY Punk scene and play in bands, organize concerts, or other music events. We are a diverse and international group from different backgrounds. Many of us have been politically active for years, including antifascist groups fighting the German/EU and general politics on deportation and immigration. Others have been active in anarchist and socialist movements and the LGBTQIA+ community.

Several people from our group work professionally in the field of political-, especially memorial pedagogy about National Socialism and the Holocaust, some are academically involved in research on antisemitism and other disciplines, while others do not have an academic background.

We came together because one concern unifies us: the ongoing antisemitism in all its forms, in Germany and worldwide, and its surge in the aftermath of the Hamas massacre that took place in Israel on the 07.10.2023.

As punks, we are opposed to racism, fascism, and antisemitism. While there seems to be some agreement on fighting racism and fascism within the punk scene, antisemitism seems to be its blind spot and is in some cases even supported. Therefore, we decided to focus on fighting antisemitism in the local (Berlin) punk scene. Our goal is to raise awareness towards (Israel-related) antisemitism, educate ourselves and others, and discuss problematic patterns and narratives. To do so, we host an IG page, organize panel discussions, concerts, and readings.

An often-mentioned complaint is that there was a taboo around criticizing Israel. We disagree. As left radicals, we believe it is worth and allowed to criticize everything, including every government (yes, including the Israeli government!), the scene, we are part of and above all ourselves. However, this has to happen without engaging in hate speech, demonization, or holding double standards, but by using rational arguments.

We have closed the comments on our Instagram page because we refuse to reproduce hate speech and discrimination as we do not want to contribute to the war of words and pictures and we do not have the time and resources to moderate it appropriately. While we welcome sincere questions and will respond to them over time, we won’t engage with aggressive, disrespectful, or discriminatory messages.


Q&A part 1

We promised to answer your questions publicly – we start withe first question today.


Is it possible to formulate a valid but not antisemitic critique of Israel’s siege of Gaza as an unjustified act of collective punishment that necessitates an immediate and permanent ceasefire?

This question was kindly submitted by J. and concerned ohter people, too. Thank you.

Of course, it is possible to criticize Israel’s military actions in Gaza without reproducing antisemitism or using antisemitic tropes.

The campaign of the relatives and supporters of the hostages for example criticized the Israeli government and their (war) strategy. They put pressure on them to find a solution for a ceasefire. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis had been protesting against their government before 7/10.

Unfortunately, the second part of your question bears questionable assumptions. The war in Gaza is not ‚unjustified‘: Hamas declared war on Israel – and Hamas currently rules Gaza. Hamas is waging war on its people: by committing atrocities like the attack on the 7.10 (another on the 30.11. in Jerusalem) as well as continuously fighting is „collectively sacrificing“ them.

Israel is aiming to destroy Hamas, not the Palestinians. The devastating death toll of Palestinian civilians is due to the horrible tactics of Hamas and – in general – to the brutal logic of war. This, granted under international law, allows striking military targets despite possible „civilian collateral damage“. And yes, war is always horrible and should end and we are deeply unhappy to see this unfolding. But at the same time, we do not see people condemning e.g. Ukraine for its self-defence in the same way. These are certainly double standards. Painting a picture of Israel as a blood-thirsty terror state (as some people, whose comments also reached us, do) opens a variety of links to antisemitic thinking and therefore violence against Jews all over the world.

We supported and still support a call for a ceasefire given these conditions and aims (just to clarify: adresses both opponents):

Hamas to immediately and unconditionally release all hostages

Hamas to unconditionally surrender

Until this happens we are convinced that Israel has the right to self-defense and fight Hamas. 

Without Hamas being stripped of control of Gaza there isn’t even the slightest chance of peace in the Middle East and the suffering of the Palestinians will continue endlessly.

We want to support Palestinian and Israeli voices that want true and long-lasting peace. This peace can only be built on trust. How this trust can be established after the attack on the 7th of Oct. and this war provoked by Hamas is the question.

It can only be answered by democratic forces and Islamists like Hamas are anything but.